Last updated on February 12, 2023 (“Effective Date”).


Make Post is a content generation tool using the power of artificial intelligence (AI). We also allow our users to add content to their AI Tiles, which the other users can use to generate content for their personal, as well as commercial use. All the content added by you in such AI Tiles must strictly abide by the restrictions mentioned in this Policy.

Please note, if you come across a content that you believe to be violative of your copyright, then you can report that content to us as per our DMCA Notice posted on our Site.

We recommend that you also consult our Terms of Service for additional information on terms applicable to you when you use our platform.

By using our Platform, you agree that you have read and consented to this Prohibited Content Policy, Terms of Service, Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy, and other policies as applicable to you, in their entirety.

1. Content

You are expressly prohibited from submitting or creating any content that is false or misleading, violent, harassing, or otherwise illegal. We reserve the right to remove any such content that violates this Prohibited Content Policy, our Terms, or applicable law, in our sole discretion.

i. Permission

You must be the lawful owner of, or have express consent from the lawful owner of the content before you upload the same on our platform or use it to create content. You shall comply with all the applicable data protection laws in respect of collecting, using, processing, sharing or storing any personal as well as non-personal information of your data subjects (this can include your clients, customers, employees, or other third-parties). If you have not taken the consent of the data subject, you are not allowed to share or upload their personal as well as non-personal information on our platform. If you had availed that consent, but such consent was subsequently revoked by the data subjects, you must immediately remove all of their personal as well as non-personal information from our platform. You shall continue to be liable for all compliances with respect to the applicable data protection laws concerning the personal as well as non-personal information of your data subjects. You must maintain adequate backup, and we expressly disclaim all liabilities in respect of data breaches and losses on/from our platform.

ii. COVID-19: Content Guidelines Updates and Protections

You are prohibited from uploading or creating such content that has the potential to contribute to misinformation that contributes to the risk of physical or mental harm.

iii. Exploitation of any kind

You are prohibited from uploading or creating the content involved in practices that exploits the people, or animals, or that poses imminent risk of harm to them. That also includes:

  • Sexual remarks
  • Human trafficking, such as sex cams and escort services
  • Slavery or forced labour
  • Sexual exploitation of minors
  • Violation of animal rights, or content or activities that may seem offensive to animal right activists, or that breaches any applicable law seeking to protect the interests of animals
  • Inappropriate content, comments, photos or videos

iv. Adult-oriented Content

Our platform isn’t a place for adult content or pornography. We will immediately remove all mature and explicit content from our Platform. Examples may include, nude photos, graphic nudity, images or videos depicting sexual activities, etc.

v. Misinformation

You are prohibited from uploading or creating content that has the potential of misleading others. This includes any and all kinds of content that leads to misinformation or false or misleading or motivated content that may harm our users or the public’s well-being, safety or trust.

vi. Promotion of Hateful Acts

On Make Post, you are prohibited from uploading or creating hateful content that promotes hateful activities or practices. We reserve the right to remove any and all such content. The examples may include negative remarks or slurs, prejudice and conspiracy theories, content that offends minority groups, religious groups, mocks religion, faith or practices, discriminatory content, regressive thoughts and opinions, anything that creates a divide between people/groups/religions/faiths, misinformation, personal attacks, etc.

vii. Any form of Harassment

On Make Post, you are prohibited from uploading or creating content that has the potential to mock, insult, defame, hurt or antagonize anyone. The content must not contain any harassment, hate, abuse, threat, personal attack or violence. The examples include:

  • Fake or altered or manipulated images or videos or content;
  • Body shaming;
  • Sexual remarks;
  • Abusive or insulting language;
  • Harassing or mocking someone’s faith, identity, religion, community, etc.;
  • Other forms of harassment

viii. Violence

On Make Post, you are prohibited from uploading or creating content that includes graphic violence or threatening language or abuses. We reserve the right to remove such content that includes grossly disturbing scenes from before or after violent events, or that includes threats or offensive or violent language.

ix. Illegal and Harmful Content

On Make Post, you are prohibited from uploading or creating content that may be harmful or deceptive. This includes content:

  • That violates applicable law, rules, directions, notifications of the appropriate government
  • That risk harm to people or animals, including sexual, physical, or financial exploitation
  • That leads to illegal commercial exploitation, like trading in organs or products made from human remains or body parts
  • That includes the sale of wild animals or protected and endangered wildlife
  • That includes irresponsible and harmful animal tourism or otherwise exploitative practices
  • That promotes harmful or hateful activities
  • That aids or assists in committing a crime or restricted activity
  • That violates anyone’s intellectual property right, including without limitation, trademark, copyright, patent or design
  • That supports or praises terrorism, organized crime, or hate groups

x. Suicidal or Harmful Behaviour

You are prohibited from uploading or creating any kind of content that expresses, shows, motivates or encourages suicide, self-injury, self-destruction, self-immolation or drug abuse. This includes the following kind of content:

  • Suicide notes
  • Photos or videos of people instilling harm to themselves or to another person
  • Making fun of someone who committed or attempted to commit suicide
  • Any death related content
  • Dangerous content
  • Aiding or encouraging people to commit suicide or to harm oneself

xi. Private Information

You cannot publish or post other people's private information (such as name, photos, videos, phone number, or address) without permission. We also prohibit threatening to expose private information or incentivizing others to do so.

2. Intellectual Property and other rights

We value intellectual property rights as they are integral for promoting expression, creativity, and innovation.

If you share or upload or create any content on the Platform, you will continue to own all of the content. However, before sharing content on the platform, please be sure you have the right to do so. We ask that you respect other people’s copyrights, trademarks and other legal rights.

Our Terms do not allow people to post content that violates someone else’s intellectual property rights, including copyright and trademark.

3. Platform Security

To protect our platform, we ask that you please:

  • Please don’t access, use or tamper with our systems or servers;
  • Please don’t break or circumvent our security measures or test the vulnerability of our systems or networks;
  • Please don’t use any undocumented or unsupported method to access, search, scrape, download or change any part of the Site;
  • Please don’t try to reverse engineer our software;
  • Please don’t try to interfere with the platform or our hosts or networks, like sending a virus, overloading, spamming or mail-bombing;
  • Please don’t collect or store personally identifiable information from the platform or people on the platform without permission;
  • Please don’t share your password, let anyone access your account or do anything that might put your account at risk;

Reservation of Right

We reserve the right to remove any content that violates any of Terms, Prohibited Content Guidelines, or applicable law.

Request Deletion of your Content

All users can ask to have their profiles and content deleted. Please do so by writing to us at with your registered email account.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions about this Prohibited Content Policy, or if you would like to report a violation, please contact us at

Last updated on February 10, 2022.

Thank you,

Team Make Post